No matter what people think, swimming is not the easiest sport ever. Swimming can be and most of the time is, just as hard as football, basketball, and soccer.
Swimmers use every muscle they have to swim in every stroke. We may not have to hit each other in shoulder pads, or run back and forth kicking or dribbling a ball, but we swimmers, we go above and beyond. It is said that swimming is a good workout no matter how old you are. Because it works all of the muscles and you don’t necessarily have to be in the best shape of your life to swim a couple of laps at your local pool, swimming is the sport for all. According to this website, swimming is the third most popular activity in the U.S. after walking and exercising with equipment.
Swimmers use every muscle they have to swim in every stroke. We may not have to hit each other in shoulder pads, or run back and forth kicking or dribbling a ball, but we swimmers, we go above and beyond. It is said that swimming is a good workout no matter how old you are. Because it works all of the muscles and you don’t necessarily have to be in the best shape of your life to swim a couple of laps at your local pool, swimming is the sport for all. According to this website, swimming is the third most popular activity in the U.S. after walking and exercising with equipment.

Also, according to this Iowa State University paper, swimming does the best for one’s body and can be done year round, no matter what the weather.
With swimming, injuries are very minimal. If a swimmer does get injured, it is from lack of stretching or hitting your heel on the gutter during a flip turn. You may have heard of swimmers ear and how it is considered an injury. This is a false fact. Swimmers ear only comes up once in a while and doesn’t affect your swimming in any way.
So back to my point: swimming is the sport for all. Injuries are minimal, it is a great workout and it can be done year round.
I understand what you mean. Swimming does work all your muscles no matter what. That's why the track guys do pool workouts. Good story!